Trudging up the rutted road
eyes cast down
I found a stone
marked like a heiroglyph
purple-red wings outspread
like a sign at birth
you don't expect
perfect heart-shaped shard
as every broken heart
is nothing but itself
more wholly shown
summit view a moonscape
in my bones the weight
of dynamited
mountaintops sunk deep
I crossed then flared my arms
the spirit yell I conjured
echoed back
from every blasted crack
singing to heal
the murderous white
drone that numbs
and poisons the air
I felt you there
so many there
in the devastated ground
original light-filled holy
shattered to the core
the missing
who dance in us
fierce grace
those who have formed
mounds for corn
canoed the rivers
laid the tracks
dug the ditches
stitched the wounds
stifled moans
spread the word
harvested the crops
rocked and taught the young
fled the chains
unshackled the enslaved
evolved the unions
I feel you now
in the wind of our unfolding
redemption's songs
here at the perfect
broken rock we circle and weep
circle and sing
and feel the rock the whole
world holds as we hold
each other true
the rock we name
split open
wild and blessed
sparks released
that we sink together
deeper into our knees
and breathe
and move the rock
lifting lifted
as we are moved
to rise
Copyright © 2016 by Janet E. Aalfs
Poet laureate emeritus, Northampton, MA
Lotus Peace Arts at Valley Women's Martial Arts #413-320-3248
Joy Harjo
Poet laureate emeritus, Northampton, MA
Lotus Peace Arts at Valley Women's Martial Arts #413-320-3248
A few of the countless poetic voices that inspire and embolden me:
...but when we are silent
we are still afraid.
So it is better to speak remembering
we were never meant to survive.
Audre Lorde
What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.
Muriel Rukeyser
Don’t you hear this hammer ring? I’m gonna split this rock
And split it wide!
When I split this rock,
Stand by my side.
Langston Hughes
For any spark to make a song it must be transformed
by pressure. There must be unspeakable need, muscle of
belief, and wild, unknowable elements. I am singing a
song that can only be born after losing a country.
So it is better to speak remembering
we were never meant to survive.
Audre Lorde
What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.
Muriel Rukeyser
Don’t you hear this hammer ring? I’m gonna split this rock
And split it wide!
When I split this rock,
Stand by my side.
Langston Hughes
For any spark to make a song it must be transformed
by pressure. There must be unspeakable need, muscle of
belief, and wild, unknowable elements. I am singing a
song that can only be born after losing a country.
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